Our Mission:
Nourishing the hope of ending hunger in the Concho Valley by connecting our neighbors experiencing hunger to food.
Our Vision:
We envision a thriving community that partners to ensure everyone has access to sufficient nutritious food.
Cindy Alvarado, Administrative Assistant
Jesyka Alvarado, Veggie Van & SnackPack Delivery Driver
Toni Behrend, Office Manager
Vanessa Dannheim, Programs Director
Sarah Eckel, Outreach & Development Director
Brent Jenkins, Executive Director
Jason Urteago, Operations Facilitator/Lead Driver
Tony Urteago, Operations Director
Executive Board:
Bobby Ziriax, Board President
Becky Bookter, Treasurer
Natalie Fogle, Secretary
Our Commitment to Equality
You can find more information about USDA’s Civil Rights division & filing complaints directly with the USDA visit their website – https://www.usda.gov/oascr/and-justice-all